Our Norse ancestors lived according to the changing seasons, planting, harvesting, hibernating, and raiding based on when the weather was best suited to these activities.
They also counted time according to the visible movements of the heavenly bodies, with dates like the summer and winter equinoxes and the full moon having the greatest importance.
Many modern Heathens and Pagans honor the traditional cycles that gave structure to the lives of our ancestors.
With that in mind, below is a guide to some of the most important Norse dates to note in 2025.
All dates are considered in terms of the Northern Hemisphere and mix what we know about ancient Norse festivals and modern Heathen traditions.
Read our post on the Norse calendar and how the Norse marked time here.
January 13 – Start of Thorri

January 13 – Full Moon in Cancer
January – start of Perthro rune season (fate, chance, mystery, destiny, secrets)
There is no evidence that the Vikings used our familiar zodiac signs. Modern Heathens have associated different Viking runes with certain dates of the year in a version of Norse astrology.
January 25 – New Moon in Aquarius
New moons are believed to be a time to set new intentions as the darkness of the sky gives you a clean slate to start afresh, and your commitment can grow as the moon waxes and grows. The full moon is the time to reap the seeds that were sown in the six months prior during the corresponding new moon
January 28 – start of Algiz rune season (protection, defense, instinct, group effort, guardianship)
February 1 – Imbolc – Celtic holiday linked with the goddess Brigid.
February 12 – Start of Goa

February 12 – Full Moon in Leo
February 12 – Disablot – modern Heathen holiday linked with the Disir, nature spirits
February 13 – start of Sowilo rune season (health, honor, resources, victory, wholeness, cleansing)
February 27 – New Moon in Pisces
February 27 – start of Tiwaz rune season (masculinity, justice, leadership, logic, battle)
March 14 – Start of Einmanudur

March 14 – Full Moon in Virgo
March 14 – start of Berkano rune season (femininity, fertility, healing, regeneration, birth)
March 20 – Spring Equinox
March 20 – Varblot – modern Heathen holiday for the Vanir gods, such as Freyr and Freyja, and the light elves
March 20 – Ostara – Celtic holiday for cleansing the old and making space for the new
March 29 – New Moon in Aries
March 30 – start of Ehwaz rune season (transportation, movement, progress, trust, change)
April 12 – Full Moon in Libra
April 12 – Sigrblot – Norse holiday of victory
A holiday characterized by bonfires and feasting, thanks was given to the gods for previous victories, and their favor was invoked for success in the coming year.
It may have been in initiation on the raiding season, with preparations beginning in earnest to set off in mid to late May.
Some records suggest that sacrifices were made to Freyja on this date.
This could mean that it was also considered a fertility festival. Bu Freyja may also have been invoked in her capacity as the goddess of Seidr magic.
She may have worked with Volva witches to predict the outcomes of this year’s raiding activities.
April 14 – Start of Harpa

April 14 – start of Mannaz rune season (individuality, friendship, society, cooperation, help)
April 27 – New Moon in Taurus
April 29 – start of Laguz rune season (intuition, emotions, flow, renewal, dreams, hopes, fears)
May 1 – Beltane – Celtic holiday to mark the start of summer characterized by bonfires
May 12 – Full Moon in Scorpio
May 12 – Majblot – modern Heathen fertility festival linked with Freyr, Thor, Sif, and Jord
May 14 – Start of Skerpla

May 14 – start of Inguz rune season (goals, growth, change, common sense, hearth)
May 26 – New Moon in Gemini
May 29 – start of Dagaz rune season (awakening, certainty, illumination, completion, hope)
June 11 – Full Moon in Sagittarius
June 13 – Start of Solmanudur

June 14 – start of Othala rune season (ancestry, possessions, heritage, experience, value)
June 20 – Summer Solstice
June 20 – Midsommarblot – modern Heathen festival linked to fertility and the Vanir gods
June 20 – Litha – Celtic holiday of the summer solstice with unclear origins
June 25 – New Moon in Cancer
June 29 – start of Fehu rune season (wealth, abundance, success, security, fertility)
July 10 – New Moon in Capricorn
July 13 – Start of Heyannir

July 14 – start of Uruz rune season (strength, tenacity, courage, untamed potential, freedom)
July 24 – New Moon in Leo
July 29 – start of Thurisaz rune season (reaction, defense, conflict, catharsis, regeneration)
August 1 – Lughhasadh – Celtic holiday in honor of Lugh and a harvest festival
August 9 – Full Moon in Aquarius
August 9 – Sensommarblot – modern Heathen festival of fertility lined to Thor and Sif
August 13 – start of Ansuz rune season (mouth, communications, understanding, inspiration)
August 15 – Start of Tvimanudur

August 23 – New Moon in Virgo
August 29 – start of Raidho rune season (travel, rhythm, spontaneity evolution, decisions)
September 7 – Full Moon in Pisces
September 13 – start of Kenaz rune season (vision, creativity, inspiration, improvement, vitality)
September 15 – Start of Haustmanudur

September 21 – New Moon in Virgo
September 22 – Autumn Equinox
September 22 – Hotsblot – modern Heathen festival linked with Frigg, Freyr, Ullr, and Skadi
September 22 – Mabon – Celtic holiday of thanksgiving for the fruits of the earth
September 28 – start of Gebo rune season (balance, exchange, partnership, generosity, relationships)
October 6 – Full Moon in Aries
October 13 – start of Wunjo rune season (pleasure, comfort, harmony, prosperity, reward, success)
October 15 – Start of Gormanudur

October 21 – New Moon in Libra
October 28 – start of Hagalaz rune season (nature, wrath, being tested, overcoming obstacles)
October 31/November 1 – Samhain – Celtic holiday for the dead linked to modern Halloween rituals
November 5 – Full Moon in Taurus
November 5 – Alfablot – Norse holiday for dead ancestors
In modern interpretations, the Alfablot has become closely associated with Samhain, the Celtic holiday linked to Halloween, but it was quite different.
It is called Alf (elves) blot (festival), so festival of the elves, who were often considered the equivalent of dead ancestors.
Ancestors were extremely important because the Vikings believed that they shared parts of their souls with their ancestors.
Rituals were conducted inside the home, probably led by the women of the household. Outsiders were not generally welcome as the veil between the worlds was considered weak at this time, so it was unwise to let anyone in.
November 13 – start of Nauthiz rune season (restriction, conflict, willpower, endurance, self-reliance)
November 15 – Start of Ylir

November 20 – New Moon in Scorpio
November 28 – start of Isa rune season ( clarity, stasis, challenges, introspection, watching and waiting)
December 4 – Full Moon in Gemini
December 13 – start of Jera rune season (cycles, completion, changes, harvest, reaping rewards)
December 14 – start of Yule – Norse festival of winter and darkness
This was a 12-day festival that originally began earlier in the year, closer to the start of Ylir, but was modified after the Viking conversion to Christianity to correspond with the 12 days of Christmas.
This festival happened at the darkest time of year, and it was another time that the Vikings believed that their veils between the worlds were thin.
Most stories of draugr, Viking undead, happened at Yule, and Odin led the wild hunt, which could sweep up anyone caught out in the open.
Animal sacrifices were made and the meat used for feasting. Blood was smeared on idols and temple walls in a grotesque take on “decking the halls.”
Many modern Christmas traditions such as hanging mistletoe and burning a yule log can be seen in Viking traditions.
December 15 – Start of Morsugur

December 19 – New Moon in Sagittarius
December 21 – Winter Solstice
December 21 – Julblot – modern Heathen holiday devoted to Odin and Freyr
December 28 – start of Eihwaz rune season (balance, enlightenment, death, world tree)